While technically a full service research consulting business, Q.i.’s focus is on providing:
Q.i. provides tools and techniques to help brands, organizations, and individuals become more authentic, more fulfilled and more successful. We also offer coaching, and workshops to inspire people and to support them to radically change and to reinvent themselves.
Brand Focus
:: Research Consulting and Broking.
:: Ad hoc and custom research projects.
:: Analysis and “mapping” of clients
existing research.
:: Brand Strategy Research.
:: QualiQuant Brand Strategy Research
:: Brand eValuations (in association with
Brand Finance).
:: Qi “Bolt” Innovation & Creative
strategy Sessions.
Organizational Focus
:: Qi Organizational Values Study.
:: Organizational Values Monitor (in
association with Consilient).
:: Qi “Bolt” Innovation & Inspiration Creative strategy Sessions.
:: Qi Life Analysis.
:: Qi Life Mapping.
:: Leadership Development in
association with Lighthouse 9
:: Workshops and Seminars.
:: Presentations.
Our consulting assignments typically include elements /tools from a number of the above mentioned product groups.