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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin Millard

Brands are Value Systems

The dictionary definition of a brand is fairly straightforward:

Brand noun:

Kind, grade, or make, as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like: the best brand of coffee.A mark made by burning or otherwise, to indicate kind, grade, make, ownership, etc.

Most consumers, and many marketers, think of a brand simply as a product’s “name” or label, or it’s logo. Some have broader associations with the term “brand”, that might include it’s distinctive packaging or advertising.

Practically everyone understands that a “brand” signals, or promises a particular, consistent, experience or level of quality, value or service.

Q.i. conceives of a brand as an overarching “value system” – the very “essence” of an offering, it’s “DNA”, or ideology, that aligns the mission and vision and values of an organization and determines overall strategy and direction.

However intangible this concept of a brand might appear – What it boils down to is that the brand represents the measurable difference between the value of undifferentiated commodities, raw materials, or basic service offerings , and enhanced value propositions that attract and inspire, that drive margins and profitability, and that people are prepared to pay a premium for.

A brand is, in short, a “de-commoditizer”, a value algorithm in the minds of consumers, an asset on the balance sheet , and the creator of measurable value.

“A brand is the last unfair advantage in the business world”

Let us help you enhance the Value your brand’s underlying Value System

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